We Believe:
1. Both Parties Are Corrupt & Useless.
2. Conditions are optimal for a New Party to rise.
Of Americans Believe Government Corruption Is Widespread
Of Young Voters Say Neither Party Represents Them
Of All Voters Want A Third Party Option
How To Make It Happen
Build On Pre-Existing Momentum
The Great Realignment
Earlier this year, the People's Party (ex-Bernie-lefties) and the Libertarians (Ron Paul fans) successfully pulled off a joint Anti-War Rally called "Rage Against The War Machine." This experimental collaboration was groundbreaking! For the first time ever, "left wingers" and "right wingers" were able to put aside their political differences and come together to advance a shared agenda. For this powerful display of solidarity, they were viciously smeared. Causing several influencers to cave-in to the pressure and pull out of the budding coalition. But the core group of leaders ignored the haters, and continued their collaboration. In April of 2023, they built upon that progress at the Independent National Convention in Austin, Texas - where they all agreed to continue working together to advance shared interests and potentially pile onto each others candidates in 2024.
Organize Into A Bloc
Case Study: Pirate Party

Panama Papers

Pirate Party

People's Victory
Bring That Model Here
Unite Disaffected Political Factions
Attract Niche Audiences
Leverage Our Combined Power
Meltdown The Establishment

Recruit Some Whales
Democrats have mega-donors like George Soros. Republicans have mega-donors like the Koch Brothers. We need our own bottomless pool of capital. But we don't want to be influenced by corporate interests! So we should recruit some crypto billionaires to finance all of our candidates and capers. A dedicated group of them should be formed, committed to supporting independent candidates exclusively. Unlike traditional wealthy donors who expect ongoing political favors, this new group of billionaire boosters will only get return on investment from crypto market growth - facilitated by the candidates they fund creating a favorable regulatory environment for crypto. That way, we can get new candidates funded, free from any undue expectations, allowing for a truly independent political landscape.
Overwhelm The Uniparty
Storm Every Capitol
Elected Positions In the USA
Are Uncontested
Compete At Every Level
Federal Offices
State Legislators
State Executives
County Boards
School Boards
City Councils