Reformat America

We've Reached The End
The United States is a great country, with great people, great landscape, and vast natural resources. But we have an irredeemably corrupt government! A government that is completely captured by ruthless oligarchs, and rogue intelligence agencies. A government that utterly ignores the Constitution. A government that is too corrupt to function, and is racing us ever faster towards armageddon. But instead of trying to do anything to prevent that, our politicians are milking as much corruption out of the dying system as they can before it collapses. Any attempts to correct our course or fix our problems within the current system are thwarted. Politicians are blackmailed. Elections are rigged. Legitimate political activists are aggressively targeted by the crooked FBI. So where do we go from here? How do we save our country? This proposal seeks to answer that question.
America Is About To Collapse
Dangerously Close to Disaster:
What To Do About It
Reformat America
"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed... whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government."
Take Our Country Back
Escape From Our Debt

Challenge Claim

Transfer Sovereignty

Bankrupt Old Entity

Emerge As New Country
We cannot allow nostalgia to prevent us from taking the ruthlessly pragmatic actions needed to secure our future.
Restart Our Congress
New Rules For Members:
Move Our Headquarters
Build A New Capital

In Kansas
Washington DC is far better suited for being a giant history museum, than a functional venue for a government. Kansas is the geographic center of the United States. It is the only place we would be able to collectively agree is fair to build our new capitol. It has vast amounts of flat, cheap land to build on. And it would send a clear message to all future politicians: That they are in charge of fixing THIS country (not Europe, not the Middle East, not Ukraine).
Build It Like The Apple Campus

Is That Realistic?
Yes, Other Countries Already Did It
Restructure Our Government
Streamline Everything With AI
Clean & Defragment
Nobody can run our government in its current form. It's a giant dysfunctional quagmire. The current president has (20) cabinet members overseeing huge departments with dozens of agencies and offices each, and nearly (40) independent agencies reporting to him. With that level of bureaucracy, it's no wonder nothing productive ever gets done. We must completely clean and defragment our government - restructuring and reorganizing all offices and agencies into (12) modern cabinet departments. Government will never work correctly until we do. Normally this would be a Herculean task, but with AI tools this will be a relatively easily task for prompting experts.
Simplify The Legal System
Rewrite Laws With AI
Software-Based Services For All
AI Professional Assistant

AI Lawyer
The current legal system is rigged in favor of rich people who can afford constant, high-quality legal representation. To help fix this, our government should provide all citizens with access to a free AI lawyer, (similar to Chat GPT), for legal counsel and services. This would ensure that every American has access to high quality legal counsel to help them navigate our justice system. It should be able to provide accurate answers to any question about any law, craft legal strategies based on past precedents, lookup case citations, and write high-quality motions and legal documents for citizens seeking to self-represent. Communications with the AI lawyer should be privileged, granting the same confidentiality as with a human attorney.