Energy Revolution

Unlocking The Future
The petrodollar system was set up in a way that would cause our banking system to collapse if we ever transition away from oil. But as more countries abandon the dollar as a reserve currency, and other looming economic cataclysms unfold, our banking system is going to collapse either way. Meaning that now is the perfect opportunity to modernize our energy system. But not with renewables. Because renewables (i.e. wind) take more carbon emissions to produce then they ultimately save, and they only work intermittently - making them unsuitable replacements for fossil fuels. Instead we must prioritize the development of decentralized Energy3 technologies. These revolutionary new technologies produce unlimited clean energy onsite at the end-point of use. Meaning devices only need to be purchased once, and eliminate ongoing electric bills. Once these are available, government won't have to force anybody to go green - people will want to on their own.
Why We've Been Stuck On Oil
PetroDollar System
Under this system, the US has racketed up so much debt, that if we decided to end oil tomorrow, the entire US government & economy would collapse.
Rare Opportunity For Change
End Of The PetroDollar
Seize The Moment
Unleash American Innovation
Practical Green New Deal
Warp Speed Deployment
Modular Low Energy Nuclear Fusion
Asymmetrical Magnetic Propulsion
Graphene Energy Harvesting
Next Gen Battery Cells
With geopolitcal tensions rising, modernizing our grid with Energy3 has now become a vital national security priority.